The Institute of Engineering Physics for Biomedicine of the National Research Nuclear University (PhysBio MEPhI) announces the VIII International Symposium, School for Young Scientists on Physics, Engineering and Technologies for Biomedicine and II International School for Young Scientists «Nanotechnological approaches to highly efficient production, detection and delivery of biologically active compounds» organized in collaboration with the research centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences, of the Russian Ministry of Health, the State Atomic Energy Corporation and partner universities in Russia and abroad, including the joint section with Vladimir State University.

The Symposium aims at bringing together the leading researchers, high level engineers and experts in biophysics, bio-photonics, nuclear and nano-medicine to present their recent achievements and to take part in the following discussions.

Two schools are scheduled within the Symposium, namely:

Physics, Engineering and Technologies for Biomedicine”  and

Nanotechnology Approaches for Highly Efficient Production, Detection and Delivery of Bioactive Compounds

which are addressed to students, young scientists and specialists whose interdisciplinary activities are related to physics, math, engineering, the life sciences and medicine.

The Symposium and Schools provide an opportunity to obtain knowledge in the latest advances in biomedicine, to exchange ideas and to establish professional contacts all over the world. Invited, Oral and Poster presentations are planned within the event.



  • Nanomaterials for biomedical applications
  • Bio-photonics for diagnosis and therapy
  • Nuclear medicine
  • Novel contrast agents for radiotherapy
  • Plasma and laser technologies for biomedicine
  • Advanced approaches in MRI and PET
  • Machine learning in medicine
  • Bioprinting and transplantation solutions




  Irina N. Zavestovskaya
Dr. Sc., Professor

  Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  Head of laboratory of Radiation biophysics
  and biomedical  technologies

  National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI)
  Head of the department of Semiconductor quantum electronics
  and biophysics 

  Scientific head of the inter-institutional research project
  “Development of new technologies of diagnostics and
  radiotherapy of socially significant diseases by means
  of proton and ion beams using binary approaches
  in nuclear physics”, President’s Education Award winner.



The Symposium and Schools are held in person (with the option of remote connection).
Venue: Moscow, Kashirskoye shosse 64, Learning and laboratory building MEPhI.

The official language is English.
Registration is free of charge. To participate in the conference, fill the Registration Form.

The link for video streem and on-line contributions will be provided to the registered participants.
Registration and abstract deadline is November 09, 2023.

Abstracts (according to the Template on the site) and questions to organizers can be addressed to

Please save your abstract paper as an rtf-file and submit it by e-mail to The object of your message should be «Abstract PhysBioSymp2023» + name of the first author


The 8th International Symposium and School for Young Scientists on Physics, Engineering and Technologies for Biomedicine
II International School for Young Scientists «Nanotechnological approaches to highly efficient production, detection and delivery of biologically active compounds».
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